Curriculum and Instruction - Master of Education | Sitting Bull College

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Curriculum and Instruction - Master of Education

Program Description

The graduate program in Education, with a specialization in Curriculum and Instruction, will assist graduate students in developing skills sets and understanding in curriculum, instruction, and assessment.  Graduate students will be exposed to and challenged in the areas of research, writing, critical thinking, and practicums.  Graduate students will be exposed to both theory and practice in their research, textual readings, and classroom discussions, with experiential learning being strongly emphasized. 

This programs intent is as follows: 
  • Assist current teachers develop their skills sets and understanding of curriculum, instruction, and assessment 
  • Assist graduate students, who do not have a background in teaching, develop skills sets necessary for an administrative role (or similar role) in the field of Education.   

Applicants with a degree in subjects that are taught at the secondary education level may be eligible for a North Dakota secondary teaching license after the successful completion of the graduate program in Education.  They would need to contact the Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB) in North Dakota about licensing requirements.   

Contact Information

Chris Fried, Division of Education Director
Telephone: (701) 854-8040

Julianna Taken Alive, Education Faculty
Telephone: (701) 854-8049